

Jeff made an I/O list from the original prints.

I re-partitioned the 2TB drive in the PC.  We really have no need for it, but it is mounted so tightly in the case that I didn’t want to fight it out.  So, I will leave it.  Maybe we can use it for something.

I need to mount the SSD and close up the PC case.



Got the PC back to where the it was before I messed it up yesterday.  The following steps will create a running system:

  1. Load Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit.
  2. Install Mach3
  3. Copy the DSPMC plugin dll to c:\mach3\plugins
  4. Set the IP address of the network adapter to something compatible with the controller (which defaults to

That is all that is required to get the Mach3 running.

Other stuff done to the PC:

  1. Connected to the wireless network – for internet access
  2. Installed Google Chrome – my preferred browser.
  3. Installed Microsoft Security Essentials – for virus protection
  4. Installed TeamViewer – So I can remote to it.

Still need to mount the SSD, and button up the case.


I loaded a cart full of parts, including the computer.  Started the computer, and wanted to clone the drive to a solid state drive to speed it up.  Had no luck with that.

Went ahead and loaded the Mach3 stuff on the original drive after giving up on cloning the disk.  Got the Mach3 to run.  Connected the DSPMC to the computer, but it didn’t connect.  Came by at lunch and changed the IP configuration on the computer port.  That was the problem with connecting to the DSPMC.  Software was reporting errors trying to load the config to the DSPMC.  Ended up trying to go through the flash update process for the DSPMC.  This led me to figure out that the version in the controller was the latest (which I would have expected), but I had the wrong version of the Mach3 plugin installed.  Installed the correct version of that, and the DSPMC connected and responded.  Looked at the status, and tried to turn outputs on.  Found that I needed 5V logic supply to the I/O board.  Got outputs to all come on.  Tried inputs, only to discover that I needed 24V power for those.  Hooked up 24v supply to input section and jumpered an input.  That worked.

Then I had the bright idea of cloning the drive again.  I looked on my web portal and found notes about a cloning program that someone had recommended to me.  I downloaded it, burnt a CD, and attempted to clone the drive.  To make a medium sized story short, I destroyed the drive in the process.  So, back to square one.  I am in the process of loading the SDD from the recovery disks that were with the computer.  Hopefully I can create a usable system with the SDD.  It should be much faster than the original disk.



Completed Items

  • At this point, we have most of the expensive parts purchased and present.
    • Motors & Drives
    • Motion controller
    • I/O module
    • Handwheel
    • Computer
    • Wiring Modules
  • Servo drives are removed.
  • Covers are off the X & Z drives.
  • Z motor & feedback is removed.
  • X feedback is removed.  Motor needs taken out.


  • Get X motor out.
  • Adapt new X motor to the mounting plate.
  • Get new pulley for X motor
  • Bore the new pulley (if necessary)
  • Test the spindle drive.
    • Rewire the armature leads.
    • Use a pot and a battery to feed the speed command signal.
    • Apply power
    • Figure out whether there is an enable signal.  There does not appear to be, but that seems strange.
  • Get coupling for Z motor.
  • Design and make adapter tube for Z motor.
  • PC Stuff
    • Duplicate the hard drive to the 500GB drive.
    • Load the Mach 3 software
    • Load the Motion Control plugin
    • Connect to the Motion controller.
  • Test configuration
    • Wire motors to drives
    • Run 230v to the drives
    • Connect drives to Motion Controller
    • Connect handwheel to motion controller
      • May need 15 pin connector?
    • Ethernet cable the Motion controller to PC

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