Droid Dev Stuff


Attempting to get a development environment going for Android Apps.


Java development kit download page.

Once the java dev stuff was loaded, the eclipse environment started properly.

It is installed at:


When it started the first time, it wants a location for the “workspace”.

I located the workspace at:



tutorial on building your first app.  This came up as a link in the dev environment.  I will attempt to follow that tutorial and build my first app.




Page that has documentation links for the java stuff.


Downloadedd jdk-7u25-windows-x64.exe from that site.  90.66Mb file.

Downloaded adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130729.zip from the android developers site.



Describes setting up the dev environment.  Really nothing helpful there.

I was under the impression that unzipping the file from android site was all that was required to get going.  Their site would lead you to believe that. Doing so leaves you with an error that the java stuff was not found.  It appears that the java stuff is not included in the all inclusive android package.

So, I downloaded the java dev stuff and installed it.

Installed the java stuff to the default location of:

c:\program files\java\jre7



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